Friday, May 27, 2016

Beginning of an Adventure

Today is my last day in my comfortable home in Arlington, Virginia. I'm filled with mixed feelings ranging from excitement to nervousness. I wonder what great adventures I'll experience but am also sad to know that I will not be seeing my family and friends for two months.

I want to thank everyone who has helped support me to get me to travel to Rwanda with Engineering World Health (EWH), regardless of it being financial or emotional aid. This experience will definitely be one to remember for this will be my first time travelling out of the country alone without my family. I hope to learn a lot about how to utilize my skills as an engineer and to be able to learn more about a new culture. I can't wait to meet everyone that will be on this trip with me as well!

Come join me in my adventure! :)


  1. God speed and safe travels, can't wait to see and hear about all of your experiences in this life changing trip!

  2. You're going to have a blast! We're all rooting for you :)
