Sunday, June 5, 2016

First weekend here!

For the lab classes this week, we learned how to make an extension cord, soldering and desoldering equipment, and opening up some common equipment we will see at the hospital and learning its circuitry. It was so much fun implementing my knowledge from class into these hands-on type of activities.

A blurry picture of me looking at a centrifuge!

This weekend, our group visited the Millennial Village and Reconciliation Village. At the Millennial Village, we took a tour around the health clinic there. We looked into the technician’s lab and the maternity building, which was recently built. Although very small, it serves a community of 30,000 people! I was amazed at this number because of how small the clinic was. I hope that the clinic continues to grow to help improve patient healthcare in the community.
We also visited the genocide memorial. The tour guide led us through one of the churches where the Tutsi tried to seek refuge. However, that church went under attack. You can see bullet holes through the roof and old blood stains. On the ground were all the clothes of those who lost their lives there. In the basement there were some skulls on display. Some were cracked due to a blow of a machete. Behind the church was the final resting place for the victims. All the skulls and bones were carefully lined up in the walk-in grave. To see this in real life was very moving. Words cannot explain the pain, but also peace, that the memorial emitted. However, it was very sobering to know that Rwanda has worked hard to rebuild itself from the genocide. That was when we made our way to the Reconciliation Village. This is where the once-Hutu and Tutsi people live together. We met some of the elders who have survived the genocide, who shared their experiences on that. When we first arrived there, we were greeted with a traditional dance. They even offered us their banana beer! The banana beer tasted chocolate-y and a hint of smokey-ness. Before we left, they said their farewells with another traditional dance, and even brought us up to dance! I wasn’t very good at the footwork, but I still had fun!

The welcoming dance the villagers prepared for us. My apologies for the photo coming out so dark!

Right before I tried the banana beer!

After visiting the village, we went to lunch, then made our way to the national soccer game! Rwanda went against Mozambique. It was my first time ever at such a huge sporting event, so I wasn’t too sure of how everything worked. I quickly learned which teach was which and when to cheer and boo (although I still got funny stares). Unfortunately, Rwanda did not win, but I still had a great time rooting for the team! We ended our day by getting some pizza and walking back to our homestays.

VIP seats at the Rwanda vs. Mozambique game!

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