Sunday, June 12, 2016

Safari, so good

The second week in Kigali has come to an end! Time really has flown by this week. This is probably due to getting into routine with everything here. I believe that it’s safe to say that I’ve become accustomed to living here. I’m also enjoying the food a lot more!

This past Thursday, we had our first hospital practical lab. We visited a local hospital in Kigali and helped fix its equipment. Many groups looked at oxygen concentrators whereas my partner and I checked out an infant warmer. I had a lot of fun troubleshooting the equipment because I was able to use my knowledge to fix equipment that is crucial to patient lives. Besides fixing equipment, our group was able to take a tour of the hospital as well. The layout of the hospital was very different to that in America. The hospital was an open space which almost resembles a hotel resort. The pace of work is also a lot slower. I remember seeing patients waiting over an hour for their appointment. Visiting the hospital really helped me envision where I will be working and what I’ll be doing in the second month.

Cleaning out a filter from the O2 concentrator

Speaking of the second month, we also found out which cities all of us will be going to. My partner and I will be heading to Byumba, a small town located approximately an hour and a half away from Kigali. I’m very excited to see what is in store for us! Truthfully, I am a little sad to know that our group will be parting ways for the second month. I hope to be able to see everyone over weekends! J

On Saturday, the majority of us went on a safari trip at Akagera National Park. We departed from IPRC around 5 AM to get to the park. We arrived to the park around 8 AM and began our safari. Our group was split into two jeeps. Our driver raised the roof so we can get better views of the animals as well! We saw giraffes, water bucks, hippos, and plenty of giraffes. I hoped to see lions but it was already too late in the day to see them since they are the most active early in the morning. Although the ride was very rocky and a moth flew into my mouth, I had a lot of fun spending time with everyone. One tip I’d suggest for those going on this safari is to ride in the first jeep! I was in the second jeep so all the dust and dirt from the first one would fly towards us. I definitely would recommend this trip!

Up close and personal with the zebras

Safari selfie :)

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