Wednesday, June 1, 2016

No internet: good or bad?

The day started off normal. I woke up, went to class, and went out to walk around town with a few of my classmates. I was able to purchase cellular data so I can talk to my family and friends back at home as well. I was planning on getting ice cream afterwards, but decided to go back to my homestay since it was close to dinner. As soon as I got there, I saw the kids and the maid in the front yard playing tag. I said hello to them in Kinyarwanda (Muri aho!) and they immediately asked me to join. I was hesitant at first because I haven’t played the game (or ran haha) in ages but joined anyways. As we were playing, my two roommates came home and joined in the fun as well. We taught them how to play Duck, Duck, Goose and they had so much fun. We also had a few rounds of Hide and Seek and a game called Cat and Mouse. One of my favorite moments was sitting in my hiding spot and looking up and seeing all the stars twinkling in the night sky. The sky is not this clear back at home! Towards the end of our fun, the maid showed us a traditional Rwandan dance. I was so impressed by her dancing because of all the hip isolations she can do! She asked my roommates and me to join her. Although we were not half as good as her, we still had a lot of fun!

Many people would think that having no internet will be like the end of the world. I remember in the beginning of this trip, I wondered what people in Rwanda did in their free time, especially without internet. After this night, I knew now. People actually talk to each other without being distracted by their cell phones. Being able to play with my homestay was like a breath of fresh air. I almost forgot what it’s like to enjoy family time without electronics. Although I was sad to not have internet before, I know now that it’s actually a blessing. I hope that I can spend more time with my homestay family!

No pictures this time. I had too much fun to remember to take pictures. :)

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